Kucing, Horse, Anjing, BİRD, Reptil
Reusable, Dapat disesuaikan, Berkelanjutan
Pet Product, Produk Kedokteran Hewan, Peralatan dokter hewan, Produk binatang
Rumah Sakit, Pelega nyeri, Klinik, Rumah Sakit Hewan, Klinik hewan, Hewan besar
Tempat asal
Shanghai, China
Comprehensive performance 1
Overhead type Arm Control
Comprehensive performance 2
Multi-angle,Omni directional,No blind zone Treatment
Suitable for treatment of urinary
system negative/positive stones. No need for any protection/shelter.
Like using ultrasound machine to exam
Transform the complicated localization process to a very easy way
Parallel system use microcomputer range
Digital sensor to read the distance directly&complete the localization
Simpler way of calculi searching
No need for complex localization process
Product Introduction 1
Modern-style shell design
Product Introduction 2
Electromagnetic digital quick positioning.
Product Introduction 3
Optimized electromagnetic shock wave generation system
Product Introduction 4
More user-friendly localization logistic