Place of Origin
Guangdong, China
Shipment destination
CI(Cote D'Ivoire), EG(Egypt), JO(Jordan), QA(Qatar), TR(Turkey), OM(Oman), IQ(Iraq), ID(Indonesia), KW(Kuwait), BR(Brazil), CL(Chile), PE(Peru), EC(Ecuador), HK(Hong Kong, China), TW(TaiWan, China)
Transit Time (Days)
3 - 15 (Days
Shipping mode
Product Type
Special(Dangerous) Goods, General(Non-dangerous) Goods
Price validity
20241012 - 20241019 Y/M/D
Destination City
Kota mana pun
Dangerous goods consultation, 24/7 Customer support, Local storage, Customized packaging and labeling, Dangerous goods transportation, Loading and unloading
Local pick up at origin
Storage service
Origin&Destination Storage
Destination customs clearance party
Shipment dispatch time (Days)
7 Days